On July 21st, Alex “CaliPower” Valle had a dilemma. Since the beginning of summer, he and fellow shoryuken.com (SRK for short) member Dentron had wanted to put Southern California back on the map. In order to stay ahead of their northern counterparts and to regain their dominance that had been taken over by the East Coast, SoCal needed to start practicing. So Valle and Dentron both decided to host weekly events, gathering players from all around the region to meet together and begin, what they describe as, “leveling up”. Valle would host events, titled “Rush That Shit Down” on the weekends at varying locations while Dentron held them on Wednesday nights at his house near South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa as sort of a weekday counterpart to RTSD. Some Wednesdays, local restaurants would be greeted by the sight of the Valle and several of his buddies; an intimidating sight considering Valle looked like he might have been an ex-Marine (partially aided by his crew cut).
Editor's Note: This piece was completed for a college workshop just a little under a year ago. It was also my personal introduction to the community. Some information is outdated and a few parts might not even be relevant anymore. However, I believe the overall message of the story still holds strong today, and is prevalent when looking back at not only Alex's personal story, but also everything else that has made the scene into what it is today.
More after the jump but be warned: it's a long read. All comments are welcome in the comment section or e-mail at kaoticdragon@gmail.com